The Wisdom Is in the Word (May 18, 2023)

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom… (Colossians 3:16).

Increasingly people are being attracted to the simpler way of life afforded by rustic, pastoral settings, away from the noise, traffic, and congestion that plague urban areas. Many locals and visitors alike enjoy the small-town atmosphere and slower pace of country life. Even so, today’s incredibly complex world is far from simple, even in rural America. As Christians seeking to walk in the center of God’s will, we need divine wisdom and discernment in order to make sound decisions and live Christ-centered lifestyles in a wayward world where evil abounds. 

When Solomon succeeded his father David as king of ancient Israel, the young, inexperienced ruler of a great nation admitted that he needed providential guidance to rule God’s chosen people effectively. Offered anything he wanted by the LORD, Solomon asked—not for riches, long life, or other selfish desires—but for an understanding heart that he might distinguish between good and evil. God was so pleased with Solomon’s selfless request that He gave the Jewish king unsurpassed wisdom as well as unmatched riches and honor for which he had not asked. 

We too must seek the wisdom and counsel of God that guides us to absolute truth and shields us from Satan’s deception and lies that can destroy lives now and eternally. God’s omniscient enlightenment empowers us to live victorious, fruitful lives that align with His plan, serve His purpose, and bring Him pleasure. The wisdom is in the Word! The Bible—the infallible source of truth we need to know—promises believers that in an extremely complicated and confusing society where we are easily led astray by worldly thinking, God’s wisdom is ours for the asking! 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5)



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