A God Who Gets the Human Experience (April 3, 2024)

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15)

Sometimes a welcome blessing that we can share with others is our genuine compassion and understanding based on personal experience. There are difficult times when we need the empathy of a family member, friend, or other trusted person who can genuinely relate to what we’re going through. It is comforting to share our burdens with someone who has dealt with similar situations and knows first-hand how we feel. We have found such a friend when we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who, above everyone else, understands the human condition. Our Savior lived among humanity as God incarnate and, unlike us all, did it without blemish so that He could become the perfect sacrifice for our sins.

Having trod this earth as both God and man for about 33 years, Jesus can personally relate to any circumstance that we experience in our modern daily lives. Times have changed dramatically during the past 2,000 years, but the basic struggles that we all face as frail human beings who have inherited a sinful nature remain the same. The temptations, loneliness, rejection, heartaches, and wide range of emotions that we experience, Jesus faced and conquered without sin. By faith in Christ, we can tap into the divine power that consumes our human weaknesses and helps us to overcome the hardships that life brings. God is in sovereign control of everything that comes into our lives, and He uses these trials to mold us into the new creations that we are in Christ.

 Our risen LORD invites each of us to reach out and grasp His helping hands, scarred by the nails that secured for every believer victory over sin and spiritual death and the certainty of everlasting life. Today, as Satan seeks to accuse us, Jesus, our Advocate, intercedes, pleading our case before the heavenly Father. Jesus walked the human walk for our salvation, so let us faithfully seek to follow in His footsteps. Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (Matthew 16:24)


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