God Hates Pride (June 12, 2024)
“A man’s pride
will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.” (Proverbs 29:23)
All sin is rooted in pride, our human tendency to
think far too highly of ourselves and to ignore our inherent dependency upon
the sovereign God who created us and sustains our lives. The LORD
us to honor and glorify Him, not ourselves. An abomination in His sight, our
selfish pride robs God of the praise and worship of which only He is worthy.
The Bible clearly teaches that prideful attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles
lead to certain downfall and ultimate destruction.
It has been said that pride is the human desire to
take the place of God. Satan is the supreme example. The prophet Isaiah wrote: “How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning! For
you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven...I will be like the
Most High.” (Isaiah 14:12-14)
Satan deceptively convinced a prideful Eve that she’d: “…be like God, knowing good and
evil.” (Genesis 5:30) She and Adam ate of the forbidden fruit and sin
infected humanity.
Pride tops the list of sins that our
righteous heavenly Father abhors, and away from which He wants us to turn in
repentant confession. Forsaking haughty self-righteousness and conceit, God
wants us to walk humbly with Him, realizing that we can do nothing in our own
strength. All of the blessings we enjoy are His gracious gifts. Our genuine humility
and lowly meekness give recognition to God’s lordship over our lives and our
dependency upon Him, and afford Him the honor and glory He alone deserves.
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