Walking in Rhythm and Harmony with Jesus (June 13, 2024)
“Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3)
Each day, especially in the cool of a summer morning, many people enjoy
a leisurely stroll to relieve the stress of life and reap the health benefits
of physical activity. Enhancing the experience and encouraging us to make this
form of exercise a regular part of our daily routine, it is helpful to have a
walking partner to keep us company along the way and to hold us accountable. As
the walkers move forward according to their desired pace, their steps become
synchronized and, with conforming strides, they remain together, moving harmoniously
along their selected course. This beautiful picture should serve as a guide to
our spiritual walk as well.
“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so walk in Him, rooted
and built up in Him and established in the faith…” (Colossians 2:6-7).
As Christians seeking to exercise our faith, we have the awesome privilege
of walking each day with a faithful partner who will never leave nor forsake
us—Jesus Christ! Our devoted Savior goes with us every step of the way whether
our journey of faith takes us along smooth, serene pathways or over rocky,
seemingly impassable roads. However, each of us must seek to patiently proceed
at the LORD’s pace, walking in rhythm
and harmony with His will and in sync with His purposes for our lives. We
remain in stride and closeness in our daily walk with Jesus through trusting
obedience, knowing that our narrow path leads to an eternal heavenly home!
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