I am praising God for the miracle that He worked in my life exactly 27 years ago today. On October 1, 1997, dying of an incurable heart condition at age 46, I was blessed to receive the heart of a Greensboro, NC, teenager who had graciously become an organ donor. Today, at 73, I am living a full and active life still powered by my strong and healthy transplanted heart. I am a blessed man because of the grace of God and a caring 16-year old boy whose heart continues to enable another to live more than a quarter of a century after His tragic death.

On this birthday of sorts, I am thankful, of course, for the new physical heart that I received on that day 27 autumn seasons ago. But I am most grateful for the new spiritual heart that God gave me when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and received His most wonderful gift of everlasting life. As the result of my salvation, I have the hope of someday meeting this young man in heaven and thanking him personally for extending my earthly life and allowing me to be of greater service to God. This transplanted physical heart will one day stop beating, but my new spiritual heart will allow me to spend eternity in the peace and presence of Christ my LORD. Praise God from whom all blessings flow by His amazing grace!


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