“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” (Hebrews 7:25)
Vital links and integral components of modern transportations systems, graceful bridges are among the most beautiful and functional parts of the world’s great infrastructures. These stately structures, of course, span obstacles such as bodies of water, valleys, highways, and other barriers for the purpose of providing safe passage over the obstacle that could otherwise prove detrimental or be impossible to cross. Bridges connect people and places that would otherwise remain physically apart and isolated.
Extending this concept to the spiritual realm, a loving God created mankind in His own image and gave us the will to freely make our own choices. When our earliest ancestors Adam and Eve chose to rebel against God rather than to obey Him, deadly sin infected humanity, separating us from God and putting enmity (hostility) between us and Him. However, God’s Son Jesus Christ became our bridge to salvation when He died on the cross to redeem us of our sins and reconcile us to the heavenly Father. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we have the opportunity to choose salvation and everlasting life over spiritual death and eternal separation from God.
Our risen LORD now sits at the Father’s right hand in the throne room of
the universe to make intercession for every believer. Jesus alone bridges the
gap between wayward sinners and a God of justice and righteousness. Activated by our faith, God’s grace flows
freely to us through Christ when we acknowledge Him as the Savior of our lives
and turn away from our sins with humble, repentant, and trusting hearts! The
only way into heaven is by crossing that sturdy bridge that is built
exclusively on the firm foundation of faith in Christ our LORD.
said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through
Me. (John 14:6)
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