"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable." (Psalm 145:3) As I take inventory of my countless blessings on this Thanksgiving Day, my heart and mind are overwhelmed and awe-stricken by the goodness and grace of the faithful God who made me, sustains me, and saved me. Above all, I am most grateful for the love and mercy that God has shown one so unworthy as me through His precious Son and my Savior Jesus Christ. Praise Jesus, my first love and my highest priority! He alone is worthy of my worship for I am His wonderful workmanship! Thank You, dear Jesus, that you first loved me to such an extreme that you died for my sins, was buried, and rose again on the third day so that by the grace of God through faith in You, I have, and can never lose, abundant and everlasting life. No matter what hardships and trials that You have promised to see me through in my earthly journey, I rejoice evermore that I am bound for a heavenly home...